$1,200.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Internal Wisdom Vitality VIP 16 Week Program

In the Internal Wisdom Vitality VIP program, you will learn timeless knowledge whose fundamentals work for everyone, every time while fostering our diversity.

The course takes a threefold approach to healing:

  • Consciousness: We will begin to shift our perspective by learning about the human body as a sacred part of nature’s design. We will practice using all of our senses while quieting the mind, develop a healthy relationship with our fear, and discover the wisdom behind it.
  • Detox: As we begin to reconnect with our innate healing system, we are ready to release what no longer serves us. We dive deep into each detox pathway both metabolically and energetically. The right sequence and the pace will be emphasized. During this process, you will begin to witness the vital force flowing to where it’s needed.
  • Nourishment: In each step of cleansing, we will nourish the body, mind, and heart by enhancing the synergy of our nervous system, microbiome, and the surrounding environment. This leads to healing from the inside out where we trust the uncertainty of life and grow spiritually.

There is a total of 16 modules, one for each week. All modules are pre-recorded so you can learn at your own pace.

What to expect from Internal Wisdom

  • Weekly lectures and resources

Each week consists of an online lecture looking at health from a different angle, sharing clinical studies, application methods, various protocols, and hands-on inspirational projects that hold you accountable and bring lasting results. You will also receive written materials in pdf form with abundant resources such as detox protocols, nourishment guidelines, book recommendations, and Rachael’s favorite products.

  • Private forum

There will be a private forum where you can connect with one another through authenticity (and vulnerability) and share your progress and stories.

  • Wisdom over data

The Internal Wisdom Vitality VIP Program incorporates different fields of medicine, such as indigenous ancient earth practices, holistic, and cutting-edge bioenergetics including ozone. However, it is intentionally created to be instinct-based and wisdom-focused. This is the most critical foundation that is crumbling in our modern society, including health professional circles. Common sense, science put into motion, and intuition is not only imperative but hold much more value than ‘show me the science.’

  • Biohacking and Wellness Trends

Nature has no ego. Nature never hurries, skips, nor compares. This program is not intended to get ‘ahead’ of nature’s rhythm nor extract from ancient wisdom. We are here to cooperate and participate with them. This is the only way to master healing.